

Life Cycle of Gymnosperms

The evolution of gymnosperms can be traced back to the Paleozoic era, during which they were found abundantly. At present, there are approximately 700-900 living gymnosperm species. They are basically woody, large-sized and bear evergreen foliage. The leaves are reduced, of which many gymnosperms have needle-shaped leaves. More info on gymnosperm basics and life cycle of gymnosperms are highlighted in the upcoming paragraphs.
Information on Gymnosperms
The name gymnosperm is derived from the Greek word for naked seeds (gymnospermos). Both gymnosperms and angiosperms are grouped under the spermatophyte group of evolved plants. Both produce seeds for the purpose of propagation. But, what differentiates them is the seed types. While gymnosperm seeds are borne without any covering, the seeds of angiosperms are present inside fruits. Some of the oldest known plants and tallest plants belong to gymnosperms. Common examples of gymnosperms that we encounter in our surroundings include the following -
    * Cypress
    * Pine
    * Gnetum
    * Cycad
    * Cycas
    * Ginkgo
    * Hemlock
    * Taxus
    * Araucaria
    * Cedar
    * Spruce

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